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  Our Vision

●  The Vision

Future Innovation

from West Sweden

At Steptura we create and facilitate destinations in West Sweden where stakeholders within industry ecosystems can collaborate and unite behind global challenges. Developing and facilitating the social and economic investments – for future innovation export from West Sweden.


Industry Investments

  Life Science

3 Billion SEK

  Mobility

2 Billion SEK

5 Billion SEK

  Total Investments


●  The Mission

Accelerating Innovation
Through Collaboration

We believe human collaboration is the foundation for future innovation. We work to engineer collaboration across our spaces – where people can connect, unite and accelerate new solutions. Where collaboration naturally occur between people, employees and companies, across industry, academia and the public sector.

○   Investment Fundings

○   Start-ups & Scale-Ups

○   Government & Public Sector

○   Industry & Business

  Innovation Acceleration


New Collaborations

Creates New Solutions

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